Caring for your cloths is easy! Let's cover the basics:
Daily: Normal End-of-Day Care
wet cloth under very warm or safely hot water
rub the cloth against itself
rinse out
wring out water
hang to dry
Daily: Dirtier Cloths
Do the “daily” wash, but add a bit of Norwex Dish Soap or a sprinkle of UPP to the washing routine.
Weekly: Laundry Day
wash cloths in the washer weekly (or when deeply/grossly soiled)
use hot water
launder with other microfiber or lint-free items
no bleach
no fabric softener
use Norwex laundry detergents for best results
dry in dryer on low or medium
allow to dry completely
no dryer sheets (let’s discuss that, if you’re using them!)
if air drying, always hang instead of laying out
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